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- <library name="transistor-fet">
- <description><b>Field Effect Transistors</b><p>
- <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author><p>
- <p>
- Symbols changed according to IEC617<p>
- All types, packages and assignment to symbols and pins checked<p>
- Package outlines partly checked<p>
- <p>
- JFET = junction FET<p>
- IGBT-x = insulated gate bipolar transistor<p>
- x=N: NPN; x=P: PNP<p>
- IGFET-mc-nnn; (IGFET=insulated gate field effect transistor)<P>
- m=D: depletion mode (Verdr&auml;ngungstyp)<p>
- m=E: enhancement mode (Anreicherungstyp)<p>
- c: N=N-channel; P=P-Channel<p>
- GDSB: gate, drain, source, bulk<p>
- <p>
- by R. Vogg 15.March.2002</description>
- <packages>
- <package name="TO220">
- <description><b>TO 220 horizontal</b></description>
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- <text x="-4.445" y="7.874" size="0.9906" layer="21" ratio="12">A17,5mm</text>
- <text x="-3.175" y="0" size="1.27" layer="51" ratio="10">1</text>
- <text x="-0.635" y="0" size="1.27" layer="51" ratio="10">2</text>
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- </package>
- </packages>
- <symbols>
- <symbol name="IGFET-EN-GDS">
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- <devicesets>
- <deviceset name="IRF510" prefix="Q">
- <description><b>N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET</b> (HEXFET); 100V; 5,6A; 0,54Ohm</description>
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- <device name="" package="TO220">
- <connects>
- <connect gate="G$1" pin="D" pad="2"/>
- <connect gate="G$1" pin="G" pad="1"/>
- <connect gate="G$1" pin="S" pad="3"/>
- </connects>
- <technologies>
- <technology name=""/>
- </technologies>
- </device>
- </devices>
- </deviceset>
- </devicesets>
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- </attributes>
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- </variantdefs>
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- </class>
- </classes>
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- </parts>
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- <plain>
- </plain>
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- </instances>
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- </busses>
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- </nets>
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- </sheets>
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