@@ -55,13 +55,23 @@ class FileReader:
def reading_n7_file(self):
- n7_file = pd.read_csv(self.n7_file_path,
- sep=r'\s[-]*\s*', header=None, skipinitialspace=True, index_col=False, engine='python')
- n7_file.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
- n7_file[0] = n7_file[0].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(',', '.')) # add this rows to file-twink
- n7_file = n7_file.astype({0: float})
- n7_file = n7_file[n7_file[0] < 86400]
- time_difference = n7_file[0].diff()
+ try:
+ n7_file = pd.read_csv(self.n7_file_path,
+ sep=r'\s[-]*\s*', header=None, skipinitialspace=True, index_col=False,
+ engine='python')
+ n7_file.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
+ n7_file.columns = ['time', 'number', 'trigger'] + [f'amp{i}' for i in range(1, 17)]
+ except ValueError:
+ self.n7_file_conventer()
+ n7_file = pd.read_csv(self.n7_file_path,
+ sep=r'\s[-]*\s*', header=None, skipinitialspace=True, index_col=False,
+ engine='python')
+ n7_file.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
+ n7_file.columns = ['time', 'number', 'trigger'] + [f'amp{i}' for i in range(1, 17)]
+ n7_file['time'] = n7_file['time'].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(',', '.')) # add this rows to file-twink
+ n7_file = n7_file.astype({'time': float})
+ n7_file = n7_file[n7_file['time'] < 86400]
+ time_difference = n7_file['time'].diff()
bad_end_time_index = time_difference[time_difference < -10000].index
if any(bad_end_time_index):
n7_file_today = n7_file[n7_file.index < bad_end_time_index[0]]
@@ -123,6 +133,18 @@ class FileReader:
t_file_df = t_file_df[t_file_df["time"] < 86400]
return t_file_df
+ def n7_file_conventer(self):
+ with open(self.n7_file_path, 'r') as f:
+ raw_data = f.readlines()
+ if len(list(filter(lambda x: x != '', raw_data[0].rstrip().split(' ')))) < 5:
+ start_of_strings = [line.rstrip() for line in raw_data[::2]]
+ end_of_strings = raw_data[1::2]
+ raw_data = [x + ' ' + y for x, y in zip(start_of_strings, end_of_strings)]
+ with open(self.n7_file_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.writelines(raw_data)
+ else:
+ raise FileNotFoundError
def reading_p_file(self):
"""Метод, прочитывающий p-файлы, возвращающий датафрейм дня на выходе. Или возвращающий filenotfounderror, если
файла нет"""