metadata.xml 744 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
  3. <pkgmetadata>
  4. <longdescription>
  5. Natural Docs is an open-source, extensible, multi-language
  6. documentation generator. It extracts specially formatted comments
  7. from source code and builds HTML documentation from it. The syntax
  8. is transparent so that the comments in the source code read just as
  9. easily as the generated documentation. It also focuses on automation
  10. and high-quality generated output.
  11. </longdescription>
  12. <maintainer type="person">
  13. <email></email>
  14. <name>Aaron W. Swenson</name>
  15. </maintainer>
  16. <upstream>
  17. <remote-id type="sourceforge">naturaldocs</remote-id>
  18. </upstream>
  19. </pkgmetadata>