123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- All patches below 500 are from the Debian git repository (May 07 2010):
- http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/mupen64plus.git;a=tree;f=debian/patches;hb=master
- Patches included:
- =================
- fix-desktop-file.patch
- destdir.patch
- - dejavu-font.patch adjusted the font path to the font location on Gentoo systems
- as-needed.patch
- system-libpng.patch
- system-zlib.patch
- system-libbz2.patch
- remove-gln64.patch
- remove-nondfsg-icons.patch
- glide64-noasm.patch
- rice-texturepack-crash.patch
- rice-screenflickering.patch
- static-binutils-libs.patch
- fix-7z-subfolder.patch
- ftbfs-dynarec.patch
- ftbfs-kfreebsd.patch
- ftbfs-debugger.patch
- debian-archs.patch
- ftbfs-glibc210.patch
- version-string.patch
- default-optimisations.patch
- gtk-open-filter.patch
- noexecstack.patch
- fix_readpng.patch
- jttl_fix_romclosed.patch
- rice_nodebug.patch
- interpreter_x86_fldcw.patch
- correct_fpr32_mapping.patch
- load_aidacrate.patch
- load_vistatus.patch
- fix_r0_override.patch
- resume_on_start.patch
- osd-pause-crash.patch
- system-liblzma.patch
- ftbfs-gvariant-type-conflicts.path
- rsp_ucode2_reset.patch
- rsp_hle_bigendian.patch
- rice-crash-vendorstring.patch
- - system-liblzma got changed to work without the droped xdg-basedir.patch
- Patches excluded:
- =================
- plugin-searchpath.patch
- xdg-basedir.patch
- - Because Gentoo uses different locations like /usr/games/lib(64) and /usr/share/games.
- The usage of xdg patch location standards would ne nice though.
- A big thanks to all the authors of the patches.
- Have fun
- Christian Birchinger <joker@gentoo.org>