loopy-0.5.3.ebuild 474 B

  1. # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
  2. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
  3. EAPI=5
  4. KDE_LINGUAS="cs de hu pt_BR"
  5. inherit kde4-base
  6. MY_P=${P/-/_}
  7. DESCRIPTION="Simple video player for KDE"
  8. HOMEPAGE="http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Loopy?content=120880"
  9. SRC_URI="http://www.kde-apps.org/CONTENT/content-files/120880-${MY_P}.tar.gz"
  10. LICENSE="GPL-2"
  11. SLOT="4"
  12. KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
  13. IUSE="debug"
  14. S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
  15. DOCS=( THEMING )