php-5.6.30-r2.ebuild 22 KB

  1. # Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
  2. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
  3. EAPI=6
  4. inherit autotools flag-o-matic versionator systemd
  5. DESCRIPTION="The PHP language runtime engine"
  6. HOMEPAGE=""
  7. SRC_URI="${P}.tar.xz"
  8. LICENSE="PHP-3.01
  9. BSD
  10. Zend-2.0
  11. bcmath? ( LGPL-2.1+ )
  12. fpm? ( BSD-2 )
  13. gd? ( gd )
  14. unicode? ( BSD-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
  15. SLOT="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
  16. KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos"
  17. # We can build the following SAPIs in the given order
  18. SAPIS="embed cli cgi fpm apache2"
  19. # SAPIs and SAPI-specific USE flags (cli SAPI is default on):
  20. IUSE="${IUSE}
  21. ${SAPIS/cli/+cli}
  22. threads"
  23. IUSE="${IUSE} acl bcmath berkdb bzip2 calendar cdb cjk
  24. coverage crypt +ctype curl debug
  25. enchant exif +fileinfo +filter firebird
  26. flatfile ftp gd gdbm gmp +hash +iconv imap inifile
  27. intl iodbc ipv6 +json kerberos ldap ldap-sasl libedit libressl
  28. mhash mssql mysql libmysqlclient mysqli nls
  29. oci8-instant-client odbc +opcache pcntl pdo +phar +posix postgres qdbm
  30. readline recode selinux +session sharedmem
  31. +simplexml snmp soap sockets spell sqlite ssl
  32. sybase-ct sysvipc systemd tidy +tokenizer truetype unicode vpx wddx
  33. +xml xmlreader xmlwriter xmlrpc xpm xslt zip zlib"
  34. # The supported (that is, autodetected) versions of BDB are listed in
  35. # the ./configure script. Other versions *work*, but we need to stick to
  36. # the ones that can be detected to avoid a repeat of bug #564824.
  38. >=app-eselect/eselect-php-0.9.1[apache2?,fpm?]
  39. >=dev-libs/libpcre-8.32[unicode]
  40. acl? ( sys-apps/acl )
  41. apache2? ( || ( >=www-servers/apache-2.4[apache2_modules_unixd,threads=]
  42. <www-servers/apache-2.4[threads=] ) )
  43. berkdb? ( || ( sys-libs/db:5.3
  44. sys-libs/db:5.1
  45. sys-libs/db:4.8
  46. sys-libs/db:4.7
  47. sys-libs/db:4.6
  48. sys-libs/db:4.5 ) )
  49. bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
  50. cdb? ( || ( dev-db/cdb dev-db/tinycdb ) )
  51. cjk? ( !gd? (
  52. virtual/jpeg:0
  53. media-libs/libpng:0=
  54. sys-libs/zlib
  55. ) )
  56. coverage? ( dev-util/lcov )
  57. crypt? ( >=dev-libs/libmcrypt-2.4 )
  58. curl? ( >=net-misc/curl-7.10.5 )
  59. enchant? ( app-text/enchant )
  60. exif? ( !gd? (
  61. virtual/jpeg:0
  62. media-libs/libpng:0=
  63. sys-libs/zlib
  64. ) )
  65. firebird? ( dev-db/firebird )
  66. gd? ( virtual/jpeg:0 media-libs/libpng:0= sys-libs/zlib )
  67. gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0 )
  68. gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:0 )
  69. iconv? ( virtual/libiconv )
  70. imap? ( virtual/imap-c-client[kerberos=,ssl=] )
  71. intl? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
  72. iodbc? ( dev-db/libiodbc )
  73. kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
  74. ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-1.2.11 )
  75. ldap-sasl? ( dev-libs/cyrus-sasl >=net-nds/openldap-1.2.11 )
  76. libedit? ( || ( sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib dev-libs/libedit ) )
  77. mssql? ( dev-db/freetds[mssql] )
  78. libmysqlclient? (
  79. mysql? ( virtual/libmysqlclient:= )
  80. mysqli? ( virtual/libmysqlclient:= )
  81. )
  82. nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
  83. oci8-instant-client? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic )
  84. odbc? ( >=dev-db/unixODBC-1.8.13 )
  85. postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
  86. qdbm? ( dev-db/qdbm )
  87. readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
  88. recode? ( app-text/recode )
  89. sharedmem? ( dev-libs/mm )
  90. simplexml? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  91. snmp? ( >=net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.2 )
  92. soap? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  93. spell? ( >=app-text/aspell-0.50 )
  94. sqlite? ( >=dev-db/sqlite- )
  95. ssl? (
  96. !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
  97. libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl )
  98. )
  99. sybase-ct? ( dev-db/freetds )
  100. tidy? ( app-text/htmltidy )
  101. truetype? (
  102. =media-libs/freetype-2*
  103. >=media-libs/t1lib-5.0.0
  104. !gd? (
  105. virtual/jpeg:0 media-libs/libpng:0= sys-libs/zlib )
  106. )
  107. unicode? ( dev-libs/oniguruma )
  108. vpx? ( media-libs/libvpx )
  109. wddx? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  110. xml? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  111. xmlrpc? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 virtual/libiconv )
  112. xmlreader? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  113. xmlwriter? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  114. xpm? (
  115. x11-libs/libXpm
  116. virtual/jpeg:0
  117. media-libs/libpng:0= sys-libs/zlib
  118. )
  119. xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
  120. zip? ( sys-libs/zlib )
  121. zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
  122. "
  124. virtual/mta
  125. fpm? (
  126. selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-phpfpm )
  127. systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd ) )"
  129. app-arch/xz-utils
  130. >=sys-devel/bison-3.0.1
  131. sys-devel/flex
  132. >=sys-devel/m4-1.4.3
  133. >=sys-devel/libtool-1.5.18"
  134. # Without USE=readline or libedit, the interactive "php -a" CLI will hang.
  136. cli? ( ^^ ( readline libedit ) )
  137. truetype? ( gd )
  138. vpx? ( gd )
  139. cjk? ( gd )
  140. exif? ( gd )
  141. xpm? ( gd )
  142. gd? ( zlib )
  143. simplexml? ( xml )
  144. soap? ( xml )
  145. wddx? ( xml )
  146. xmlrpc? ( || ( xml iconv ) )
  147. xmlreader? ( xml )
  148. xslt? ( xml )
  149. ldap-sasl? ( ldap )
  150. mhash? ( hash )
  151. phar? ( hash )
  152. libmysqlclient? ( || (
  153. mysql
  154. mysqli
  155. pdo
  156. ) )
  157. qdbm? ( !gdbm )
  158. readline? ( !libedit )
  159. recode? ( !imap !mysql !mysqli )
  160. sharedmem? ( !threads )
  161. !cli? ( !cgi? ( !fpm? ( !apache2? ( !embed? ( cli ) ) ) ) )"
  162. PHP_MV="$(get_major_version)"
  163. php_install_ini() {
  164. local phpsapi="${1}"
  165. # work out where we are installing the ini file
  166. php_set_ini_dir "${phpsapi}"
  167. # Always install the production INI file, bug 611214.
  168. local phpinisrc="php.ini-production-${phpsapi}"
  169. cp php.ini-production "${phpinisrc}" || die
  170. # default to /tmp for save_path, bug #282768
  171. sed -e 's|^;session.save_path .*$|session.save_path = "'"${EPREFIX}"'/tmp"|g' -i "${phpinisrc}" || die
  172. # Set the extension dir
  173. sed -e "s|^extension_dir .*$|extension_dir = ${extension_dir}|g" \
  174. -i "${phpinisrc}" || die
  175. # Set the include path to point to where we want to find PEAR packages
  176. sed -e 's|^;include_path = ".:/php/includes".*|include_path = ".:'"${EPREFIX}"'/usr/share/php'${PHP_MV}':'"${EPREFIX}"'/usr/share/php"|' -i "${phpinisrc}" || die
  177. dodir "${PHP_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  178. insinto "${PHP_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  179. newins "${phpinisrc}" php.ini
  180. elog "Installing php.ini for ${phpsapi} into ${PHP_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  181. elog
  182. dodir "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  183. dodir "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR_ACTIVE#${EPREFIX}}"
  184. if use opcache; then
  185. elog "Adding opcache to $PHP_EXT_INI_DIR"
  186. echo "zend_extension=${PHP_DESTDIR}/$(get_libdir)/" >> \
  187. "${D}/${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR}"/opcache.ini
  188. dosym "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}/opcache.ini" \
  189. "${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR_ACTIVE#${EPREFIX}}/opcache.ini"
  190. fi
  191. # SAPI-specific handling
  192. if [[ "${sapi}" == "fpm" ]] ; then
  193. einfo "Installing FPM config file php-fpm.conf"
  194. insinto "${PHP_INI_DIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  195. doins sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf
  196. fi
  197. dodoc php.ini-{development,production}
  198. }
  199. php_set_ini_dir() {
  200. PHP_INI_DIR="${EPREFIX}/etc/php/${1}-php${SLOT}"
  201. PHP_EXT_INI_DIR="${PHP_INI_DIR}/ext"
  202. PHP_EXT_INI_DIR_ACTIVE="${PHP_INI_DIR}/ext-active"
  203. }
  204. src_prepare() {
  205. eapply "${FILESDIR}/php-${SLOT}-no-bison-warnings.patch"
  206. # Change PHP branding
  207. # Get the alpha/beta/rc version
  208. sed -re "s|^(PHP_EXTRA_VERSION=\").*(\")|\1-pl${PR/r/}-gentoo\2|g" \
  209. -i || die "Unable to change PHP branding"
  210. # Patch PHP to show Gentoo as the server platform
  211. sed -e 's/PHP_UNAME=`uname -a | xargs`/PHP_UNAME=`uname -s -n -r -v | xargs`/g' \
  212. -i || die "Failed to fix server platform name"
  213. # Prevent PHP from activating the Apache config,
  214. # as we will do that ourselves
  215. sed -i \
  216. -e "s,-i -a -n php${PHP_MV},-i -n php${PHP_MV},g" \
  217. -e "s,-i -A -n php${PHP_MV},-i -n php${PHP_MV},g" \
  218. configure sapi/apache2filter/config.m4 sapi/apache2handler/config.m4 \
  219. || die
  220. # Patch PHP to support heimdal instead of mit-krb5
  221. if has_version "app-crypt/heimdal" ; then
  222. sed -e 's|gssapi_krb5|gssapi|g' -i acinclude.m4 \
  223. || die "Failed to fix heimdal libname"
  224. sed -e 's|PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(k5crypto, 1, $1)||g' -i acinclude.m4 \
  225. || die "Failed to fix heimdal crypt library reference"
  226. fi
  227. eapply_user
  228. # Force rebuilding aclocal.m4
  229. rm -f aclocal.m4 || die "failed to remove aclocal.m4 in src_prepare"
  230. eautoreconf
  231. if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
  232. #, bug #343481
  233. sed -i -e '/BUILD_CGI="\\$(CC)/s/CC/CXX/' configure || die
  234. fi
  235. }
  236. src_configure() {
  237. addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
  238. addpredict /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes
  239. PHP_DESTDIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/php${SLOT}"
  240. # The php-fpm config file wants localstatedir to be ${EPREFIX}/var
  241. # and not the Gentoo default ${EPREFIX}/var/lib. See bug 572002.
  242. local our_conf=(
  243. --prefix="${PHP_DESTDIR}"
  244. --mandir="${PHP_DESTDIR}/man"
  245. --infodir="${PHP_DESTDIR}/info"
  246. --libdir="${PHP_DESTDIR}/lib"
  247. --with-libdir="$(get_libdir)"
  248. --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}/var"
  249. --without-pear
  250. $(use_enable threads maintainer-zts)
  251. )
  252. our_conf+=(
  253. $(use_with acl fpm-acl)
  254. $(use_enable bcmath bcmath)
  255. $(use_with bzip2 bz2 "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  256. $(use_enable calendar calendar)
  257. $(use_enable coverage gcov)
  258. $(use_enable ctype ctype)
  259. $(use_with curl curl "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  260. $(use_enable xml dom)
  261. $(use_with enchant enchant "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  262. $(use_enable exif exif)
  263. $(use_enable fileinfo fileinfo)
  264. $(use_enable filter filter)
  265. $(use_enable ftp ftp)
  266. $(use_with nls gettext "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  267. $(use_with gmp gmp "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  268. $(use_enable hash hash)
  269. $(use_with mhash mhash "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  270. $(use_with iconv iconv \
  271. $(use elibc_glibc || use elibc_musl || echo "${EPREFIX}/usr"))
  272. $(use_enable intl intl)
  273. $(use_enable ipv6 ipv6)
  274. $(use_enable json json)
  275. $(use_with kerberos kerberos "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  276. $(use_enable xml libxml)
  277. $(use_with xml libxml-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  278. $(use_enable unicode mbstring)
  279. $(use_with crypt mcrypt "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  280. $(use_with mssql mssql "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  281. $(use_with unicode onig "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  282. $(use_with ssl openssl "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  283. $(use_with ssl openssl-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  284. $(use_enable pcntl pcntl)
  285. $(use_enable phar phar)
  286. $(use_enable pdo pdo)
  287. $(use_enable opcache opcache)
  288. $(use_with postgres pgsql "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  289. $(use_enable posix posix)
  290. $(use_with spell pspell "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  291. $(use_with recode recode "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  292. $(use_enable simplexml simplexml)
  293. $(use_enable sharedmem shmop)
  294. $(use_with snmp snmp "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  295. $(use_enable soap soap)
  296. $(use_enable sockets sockets)
  297. $(use_with sqlite sqlite3 "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  298. $(use_with sybase-ct sybase-ct "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  299. $(use_enable sysvipc sysvmsg)
  300. $(use_enable sysvipc sysvsem)
  301. $(use_enable sysvipc sysvshm)
  302. $(use_with systemd fpm-systemd)
  303. $(use_with tidy tidy "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  304. $(use_enable tokenizer tokenizer)
  305. $(use_enable wddx wddx)
  306. $(use_enable xml xml)
  307. $(use_enable xmlreader xmlreader)
  308. $(use_enable xmlwriter xmlwriter)
  309. $(use_with xmlrpc xmlrpc)
  310. $(use_with xslt xsl "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  311. $(use_enable zip zip)
  312. $(use_with zlib zlib "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  313. $(use_enable debug debug)
  314. )
  315. # DBA support
  316. if use cdb || use berkdb || use flatfile || use gdbm || use inifile \
  317. || use qdbm ; then
  318. our_conf+=( "--enable-dba${shared}" )
  319. fi
  320. # DBA drivers support
  321. our_conf+=(
  322. $(use_with cdb cdb)
  323. $(use_with berkdb db4 "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  324. $(use_enable flatfile flatfile)
  325. $(use_with gdbm gdbm "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  326. $(use_enable inifile inifile)
  327. $(use_with qdbm qdbm "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  328. )
  329. # Support for the GD graphics library
  330. our_conf+=(
  331. $(use_with truetype freetype-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  332. $(use_with truetype t1lib "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  333. $(use_enable cjk gd-jis-conv)
  334. $(use_with gd jpeg-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  335. $(use_with gd png-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  336. $(use_with xpm xpm-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  337. $(use_with vpx vpx-dir "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  338. )
  339. # enable gd last, so configure can pick up the previous settings
  340. our_conf+=( $(use_with gd gd) )
  341. # IMAP support
  342. if use imap ; then
  343. our_conf+=(
  344. $(use_with imap imap "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  345. $(use_with ssl imap-ssl "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  346. )
  347. fi
  348. # Interbase/firebird support
  349. our_conf+=( $(use_with firebird interbase "${EPREFIX}/usr") )
  350. # LDAP support
  351. if use ldap ; then
  352. our_conf+=(
  353. $(use_with ldap ldap "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  354. $(use_with ldap-sasl ldap-sasl "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  355. )
  356. fi
  357. # MySQL support
  358. local mysqllib="mysqlnd"
  359. local mysqlilib="mysqlnd"
  360. use libmysqlclient && mysqllib="${EPREFIX}/usr"
  361. use libmysqlclient && mysqlilib="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/mysql_config"
  362. our_conf+=( $(use_with mysql mysql "${mysqllib}") )
  363. our_conf+=( $(use_with mysqli mysqli "${mysqlilib}") )
  364. local mysqlsock="${EPREFIX}/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
  365. if use mysql || use mysqli ; then
  366. our_conf+=( $(use_with mysql mysql-sock "${mysqlsock}") )
  367. fi
  368. # ODBC support
  369. our_conf+=(
  370. $(use_with odbc unixODBC "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  371. $(use_with iodbc iodbc "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  372. )
  373. # Oracle support
  374. our_conf+=( $(use_with oci8-instant-client oci8) )
  375. # PDO support
  376. if use pdo ; then
  377. our_conf+=(
  378. $(use_with mssql pdo-dblib)
  379. $(use_with mysql pdo-mysql "${mysqllib}")
  380. $(use_with postgres pdo-pgsql)
  381. $(use_with sqlite pdo-sqlite "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  382. $(use_with firebird pdo-firebird "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  383. $(use_with odbc pdo-odbc "unixODBC,${EPREFIX}/usr")
  384. $(use_with oci8-instant-client pdo-oci)
  385. )
  386. fi
  387. # readline/libedit support
  388. our_conf+=(
  389. $(use_with readline readline "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  390. $(use_with libedit libedit "${EPREFIX}/usr")
  391. )
  392. # Session support
  393. if use session ; then
  394. our_conf+=( $(use_with sharedmem mm "${EPREFIX}/usr") )
  395. else
  396. our_conf+=( $(use_enable session session) )
  397. fi
  398. # Use pic for shared modules such as apache2's mod_php
  399. our_conf+=( --with-pic )
  400. # we use the system copy of pcre
  401. # --with-pcre-regex affects ext/pcre
  402. # --with-pcre-dir affects ext/filter and ext/zip
  403. our_conf+=(
  404. --with-pcre-regex="${EPREFIX}/usr"
  405. --with-pcre-dir="${EPREFIX}/usr"
  406. )
  407. # Catch CFLAGS problems
  408. # Fixes bug #14067.
  409. # Changed order to run it in reverse for bug #32022 and #12021.
  410. replace-cpu-flags "k6*" "i586"
  411. # Cache the ./configure test results between SAPIs.
  412. our_conf+=( --cache-file="${T}/config.cache" )
  413. # Support user-passed configuration parameters
  414. our_conf+=( ${EXTRA_ECONF:-} )
  415. # Support the Apache2 extras, they must be set globally for all
  416. # SAPIs to work correctly, especially for external PHP extensions
  417. mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/sapis-build" || die
  418. for one_sapi in $SAPIS ; do
  419. use "${one_sapi}" || continue
  420. php_set_ini_dir "${one_sapi}"
  421. # The BUILD_DIR variable is used to determine where to output
  422. # the files that autotools creates. This was all originally
  423. # based on the autotools-utils eclass.
  424. BUILD_DIR="${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/${one_sapi}"
  425. cp -a "${S}" "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
  426. cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
  427. local sapi_conf=(
  428. --with-config-file-path="${PHP_INI_DIR}"
  429. --with-config-file-scan-dir="${PHP_EXT_INI_DIR_ACTIVE}"
  430. )
  431. for sapi in $SAPIS ; do
  432. case "$sapi" in
  433. cli|cgi|embed|fpm)
  434. if [[ "${one_sapi}" == "${sapi}" ]] ; then
  435. sapi_conf+=( "--enable-${sapi}" )
  436. else
  437. sapi_conf+=( "--disable-${sapi}" )
  438. fi
  439. ;;
  440. apache2)
  441. if [[ "${one_sapi}" == "${sapi}" ]] ; then
  442. sapi_conf+=( --with-apxs2="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/apxs" )
  443. else
  444. sapi_conf+=( --without-apxs2 )
  445. fi
  446. ;;
  447. esac
  448. done
  449. # Construct the $myeconfargs array by concatenating $our_conf
  450. # (the common args) and $sapi_conf (the SAPI-specific args).
  451. local myeconfargs=( "${our_conf[@]}" )
  452. myeconfargs+=( "${sapi_conf[@]}" )
  453. pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die
  454. econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
  455. popd > /dev/null || die
  456. done
  457. }
  458. src_compile() {
  459. # snmp seems to run during src_compile, too (bug #324739)
  460. addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
  461. addpredict /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes
  462. for sapi in ${SAPIS} ; do
  463. if use "${sapi}"; then
  464. cd "${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/$sapi" || \
  465. die "Failed to change dir to ${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/$1"
  466. emake
  467. fi
  468. done
  469. }
  470. src_install() {
  471. # see bug #324739 for what happens when we don't have that
  472. addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
  473. # grab the first SAPI that got built and install common files from there
  474. local first_sapi=""
  475. for sapi in $SAPIS ; do
  476. if use $sapi ; then
  477. first_sapi=$sapi
  478. break
  479. fi
  480. done
  481. # Makefile forgets to create this before trying to write to it...
  482. dodir "${PHP_DESTDIR#${EPREFIX}}/bin"
  483. # Install php environment (without any sapis)
  484. cd "${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/$first_sapi" || die
  485. emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" \
  486. install-build install-headers install-programs
  487. local extension_dir="$("${ED}/${PHP_DESTDIR#${EPREFIX}}/bin/php-config" --extension-dir)"
  488. # Create the directory where we'll put version-specific php scripts
  489. keepdir "/usr/share/php${PHP_MV}"
  490. local sapi="", file=""
  491. local sapi_list=""
  492. for sapi in ${SAPIS}; do
  493. if use "${sapi}" ; then
  494. einfo "Installing SAPI: ${sapi}"
  495. cd "${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/${sapi}" || die
  496. if [[ "${sapi}" == "apache2" ]] ; then
  497. # We're specifically not using emake install-sapi as libtool
  498. # may cause unnecessary relink failures (see bug #351266)
  499. insinto "${PHP_DESTDIR#${EPREFIX}}/apache2/"
  500. newins ".libs/libphp5$(get_libname)" \
  501. "libphp${PHP_MV}$(get_libname)"
  502. keepdir "/usr/$(get_libdir)/apache2/modules"
  503. else
  504. # needed each time, php_install_ini would reset it
  505. local dest="${PHP_DESTDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  506. into "${dest}"
  507. case "$sapi" in
  508. cli)
  509. source="sapi/cli/php"
  510. ;;
  511. cgi)
  512. source="sapi/cgi/php-cgi"
  513. ;;
  514. fpm)
  515. source="sapi/fpm/php-fpm"
  516. ;;
  517. embed)
  518. source="libs/libphp${PHP_MV}$(get_libname)"
  519. ;;
  520. *)
  521. die "unhandled sapi in src_install"
  522. ;;
  523. esac
  524. if [[ "${source}" == *"$(get_libname)" ]]; then
  525. "${source}"
  526. else
  527. dobin "${source}"
  528. local name="$(basename ${source})"
  529. dosym "${dest}/bin/${name}" "/usr/bin/${name}${SLOT}"
  530. fi
  531. fi
  532. php_install_ini "${sapi}"
  533. # construct correct SAPI string for php-config
  534. # thanks to ferringb for the bash voodoo
  535. if [[ "${sapi}" == "apache2" ]]; then
  536. sapi_list="${sapi_list:+${sapi_list} }apache2handler"
  537. else
  538. sapi_list="${sapi_list:+${sapi_list} }${sapi}"
  539. fi
  540. fi
  541. done
  542. # Installing opcache module
  543. if use opcache ; then
  544. into "${PHP_DESTDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
  545. "modules/opcache$(get_libname)"
  546. fi
  547. # Install env.d files
  548. newenvd "${FILESDIR}/20php5-envd" "20php${SLOT}"
  549. sed -e "s|/lib/|/$(get_libdir)/|g" -i "${ED}/etc/env.d/20php${SLOT}" || die
  550. sed -e "s|php5|php${SLOT}|g" -i "${ED}/etc/env.d/20php${SLOT}" || die
  551. # set php-config variable correctly (bug #278439)
  552. sed -e "s:^\(php_sapis=\)\".*\"$:\1\"${sapi_list}\":" -i \
  553. "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/php${SLOT}/bin/php-config" || die
  554. if use fpm ; then
  555. if use systemd; then
  556. systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/php-fpm_at.service" \
  557. "php-fpm@${SLOT}.service"
  558. else
  559. systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/php-fpm_at-simple.service" \
  560. "php-fpm@${SLOT}.service"
  561. fi
  562. fi
  563. }
  564. src_test() {
  565. echo ">>> Test phase [test]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
  566. PHP_BIN="${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/cli/sapi/cli/php"
  567. if [[ ! -x "${PHP_BIN}" ]] ; then
  568. ewarn "Test phase requires USE=cli, skipping"
  569. return
  570. else
  571. export TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE="${PHP_BIN}"
  572. fi
  573. if [[ -x "${WORKDIR}/sapis/cgi/php-cgi" ]] ; then
  574. export TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE="${WORKDIR}/sapis/cgi/php-cgi"
  575. fi
  577. "session.save_path=${T}" \
  578. "${WORKDIR}/sapis-build/cli/run-tests.php" -n -q -d \
  579. "session.save_path=${T}"
  580. for name in ${EXPECTED_TEST_FAILURES}; do
  581. mv "${name}.out" "${name}.out.orig" 2>/dev/null || die
  582. done
  583. local failed="$(find -name '*.out')"
  584. if [[ ${failed} != "" ]] ; then
  585. ewarn "The following test cases failed unexpectedly:"
  586. for name in ${failed}; do
  587. ewarn " ${name/.out/}"
  588. done
  589. else
  590. einfo "No unexpected test failures, all fine"
  591. fi
  592. if [[ ${PHP_SHOW_UNEXPECTED_TEST_PASS} == "1" ]] ; then
  593. local passed=""
  594. for name in ${EXPECTED_TEST_FAILURES}; do
  595. [[ -f "${name}.diff" ]] && continue
  596. passed="${passed} ${name}"
  597. done
  598. if [[ ${passed} != "" ]] ; then
  599. einfo "The following test cases passed unexpectedly:"
  600. for name in ${passed}; do
  601. ewarn " ${passed}"
  602. done
  603. else
  604. einfo "None of the known-to-fail tests passed, all fine"
  605. fi
  606. fi
  607. }
  608. pkg_postinst() {
  609. # Output some general info to the user
  610. if use apache2 ; then
  611. elog
  612. elog "To enable PHP in apache, you will need to add \"-D PHP\" to"
  613. elog "your apache2 command. OpenRC users can append that string to"
  614. elog "APACHE2_OPTS in /etc/conf.d/apache2."
  615. elog
  616. elog "The apache module configuration file 70_mod_php.conf is"
  617. elog "provided (and maintained) by eselect-php."
  618. elog
  619. fi
  620. # Create the symlinks for php
  621. for m in ${SAPIS}; do
  622. [[ ${m} == 'embed' ]] && continue;
  623. if use $m ; then
  624. local ci=$(eselect php show $m)
  625. if [[ -z $ci ]]; then
  626. eselect php set $m php${SLOT} || die
  627. einfo "Switched ${m} to use php:${SLOT}"
  628. einfo
  629. elif [[ $ci != "php${SLOT}" ]] ; then
  630. elog "To switch $m to use php:${SLOT}, run"
  631. elog " eselect php set $m php${SLOT}"
  632. elog
  633. fi
  634. fi
  635. done
  636. # Remove dead symlinks for SAPIs that were just disabled. For
  637. # example, if the user has the cgi SAPI enabled, then he has an
  638. # eselect-php symlink for it. If he later reinstalls PHP with
  639. # USE="-cgi", that symlink will break. This call to eselect is
  640. # supposed to remove that dead link per bug 572436.
  641. eselect php cleanup || die
  642. if ! has "php${SLOT/./-}" ${PHP_TARGETS}; then
  643. elog "To build extensions for this version of PHP, you will need to"
  644. elog "add php${SLOT/./-} to your PHP_TARGETS USE_EXPAND variable."
  645. elog
  646. fi
  647. # Warn about the removal of PHP_INI_VERSION if the user has it set.
  648. if [[ -n "${PHP_INI_VERSION}" ]]; then
  649. ewarn 'The PHP_INI_VERSION variable has been phased out. You may'
  650. ewarn 'remove it from your configuration at your convenience. See'
  651. ewarn
  652. ewarn ''
  653. ewarn
  654. ewarn 'for more information.'
  655. fi
  656. elog "For details on how version slotting works, please see"
  657. elog "the wiki:"
  658. elog
  659. elog ""
  660. elog
  661. }
  662. pkg_postrm() {
  663. # This serves two purposes. First, if we have just removed the last
  664. # installed version of PHP, then this will remove any dead symlinks
  665. # belonging to eselect-php. Second, if a user upgrades slots from
  666. # (say) 5.6 to 7.0 and depcleans the old slot, then this will update
  667. # his existing symlinks to point to the new 7.0 installation. The
  668. # latter is bug 432962.
  669. #
  670. # Note: the eselect-php package may not be installed at this point,
  671. # so we can't die() if this command fails.
  672. eselect php cleanup
  673. }