info_pkgs 619 B

  1. ##
  2. ## These ATOMS are printed with a standard 'emerge info' in
  3. ## portage as of 2.0.51-r5. Do not overcrowd the output please.
  4. ##
  5. app-shells/bash:0
  6. sys-devel/autoconf
  7. sys-devel/automake
  8. sys-kernel/linux-headers
  9. sys-libs/glibc
  10. sys-libs/musl
  11. sys-libs/uclibc
  12. sys-libs/uclibc-ng
  13. sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib
  14. sys-devel/binutils
  15. sys-devel/libtool
  16. sys-devel/make
  17. dev-lang/python
  18. dev-lang/perl
  19. sys-apps/sandbox
  20. dev-util/ccache
  21. sys-devel/gcc
  22. sys-devel/gcc-config
  23. dev-java/java-config
  24. dev-util/cmake
  25. dev-util/pkgconfig
  26. # NOTE: portage no longer list /etc/gentoo-release,
  27. # so this is not redundant
  28. sys-apps/baselayout
  29. sys-apps/openrc