kodkod-1.5.2-changes-in-most-specific-varargs-method-selection.patch 1.0 KB

  1. --- kodkod-1.5-orig/src/kodkod/util/ints/Ints.java 2011-09-22 19:00:22.000000000 +1000
  2. +++ kodkod-1.5/src/kodkod/util/ints/Ints.java 2013-02-02 22:30:12.825378928 +1100
  3. @@ -316,25 +316,6 @@
  4. }
  5. /**
  6. - * An implementation of Paul Hsieh's hashing function,
  7. - * described at http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html.
  8. - * The method returns a 32 bit hash of the given objects' hash codes,
  9. - * or zero if the array is empty. Any null references in the array
  10. - * are taken to have 0 as their hash code value.
  11. - * @return a 32 bit hash of the given objects' hashCodes
  12. - */
  13. - public static int superFastHash(Object... key) {
  14. - if (key.length==0) return 0;
  15. - int hash = key.length;
  16. -
  17. - for(Object o : key) {
  18. - hash = superFastHashIncremental(o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode(), hash);
  19. - }
  20. - // no end cases since the hashcodes of key parts are ints
  21. - return superFastHashAvalanche(hash);
  22. - }
  23. -
  24. - /**
  25. * An implementation of an IntSet wrapper for an IntRange.
  26. */
  27. private static final class RangeIntSet extends AbstractIntSet {