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- #!/sbin/openrc-run
- # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2
- extra_started_commands="check"
- description_check="Running quotacheck with quota being offline"
- depend() {
- need localmount
- use portmap
- }
- start() {
- if [ "${RUN_QUOTACHECK}" = "yes" ] ; then
- ebegin "Checking quotas (may take a while)"
- quotacheck ${QUOTACHECK_OPTS}
- eend $?
- fi
- ebegin "Starting quota"
- quotaon ${QUOTAON_OPTS}
- eend $?
- }
- stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping quota"
- quotaoff ${QUOTAOFF_OPTS}
- eend $?
- }
- check() {
- ebegin "Checking quota"
- quotaoff ${QUOTAOFF_OPTS} && \
- quotacheck ${QUOTACHECK_OPTS} && \
- quotaon ${QUOTAON_OPTS}
- eend $?
- }