/*************************************************************************** * * $Id: * * Author: Frank Laue, Ohio State, laue@mps.ohio-state.edu *************************************************************************** * * Description: part of STAR HBT Framework: StHbtMaker package * a particle cut that uses NSigma cut below certain P threshhold # and a PID probability above it * *************************************************************************** * * $Log: * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef adamsTrackCut_hh #define adamsTrackCut_hh //#ifndef StMaker_H //#include "StMaker.h" //#endif #include "Stsstream.h" #include "StHbtMaker/Base/StHbtTrackCut.h" #include "StHbtMaker/Cut/franksTrackCut.h" class adamsTrackCut : public franksTrackCut { public: adamsTrackCut(); adamsTrackCut(adamsTrackCut& ); ~adamsTrackCut(); virtual bool Pass(const StHbtTrack*); virtual StHbtString Report(); void SetPIDPThreshold(const float&); adamsTrackCut* Clone(); ostrstream* finalReport() const; private: // here are the quantities I want to cut on... float mPIDPThreshold; protected: long mNTracksPassed; long mNTracksFailed; #ifdef __ROOT__ ClassDef(adamsTrackCut, 1) #endif }; inline void adamsTrackCut::SetPIDPThreshold(const float& pidpt){mPIDPThreshold = pidpt;} inline adamsTrackCut* adamsTrackCut::Clone() { adamsTrackCut* c = new adamsTrackCut(*this); return c;} #endif