123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160 |
- int status = gSystem->Load("/star/data01/pwg/pusheax/simulation/pythia6/libPythia6.so");
- /*********************************************************
- * *
- * Macros for p+p 350 GeV simulation on Pythia 6.4.28. *
- * *
- * first argument is an output file *
- * second argument is a tune id see (arxiv:1005.3457v5) *
- * if mTuneId = -1 then vanilla pythia 6.4.28 are used *
- * *
- * Some useful tune id's: *
- * TUNE | ID *
- * -------------------------------- *
- * Perugia 2011 | 350 *
- * Perugia 2011 noCR | 354 *
- * Perugia 0 | 320 *
- * Tune A (used by Zibi) | 100 *
- * *
- *********************************************************/
- #include "TROOT.h"
- #include "TSystem.h"
- #include "TChain.h"
- #include "TFile.h"
- #include "TString.h"
- #include "TPythia6.h"
- #include "TRandom3.h"
- #include <iostream>
- //
- // Uncomment line below to turn on verbose output
- //
- // #define MY_DEBUG
- const Char_t *defaultOutFile = "oFemtoDst_pp350_pythia6.root";
- void FemtoDstMaker_mesons_pp350_pythia6(const Char_t* outFileName = defaultOutFile,
- Int_t mTuneId = -1)
- {
- std::cout << "**************************" << std::endl
- << "* FemtoDstMaker *" << std::endl
- << "* PYTHIA6 *" << std::endl
- << "* p+p 350 GeV mesons *" << std::endl
- << "* Start *" << std::endl
- << "**************************" << std::endl << endl;
- //Constants, cut and initial parameters
- Int_t mNEvents2Gen = 50000;
- Double_t mCollisionEnergy = 350.;
- Bool_t mIsFullField = false;
- Float_t cParticleMom[2] = {0.15, 1.55};
- Float_t cTrackDcaGlobal[2] = {-0.01, 2.};
- Float_t cTrackEta[2] = {-1., 1.};
- Bool_t cRemoveProtons = true;
- //
- // Load libraries
- //
- std::cout << "Loading libraries..." << std::endl;
- gSystem->Load("/star/data01/pwg/pusheax/simulation/pythia6/libPythia6.so");
- gROOT->LoadMacro("$STAR/StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/macros/loadSharedLibraries.C");
- loadSharedLibraries();
- gSystem->Load("libMinuit");
- gSystem->Load("StRefMultCorr");
- gSystem->Load("StFlowMaker"); // should be placed before HBT
- gSystem->Load("StHbtMaker");
- gSystem->Load("StarClassLibrary");
- gSystem->Load("libgsl");
- gSystem->Load("libgslcblas");
- gSystem->Load("StFemtoDstMaker");
- std::cout << "Libraries have been successfully loaded" << std::endl;
- //
- // Create chain
- //
- StChain *mChain = new StChain("StChain");
- mChain->SetDebug(0);
- StMuDebug::setLevel(0);
- //
- // Random initialization
- //
- TRandom3 randy(0);
- Int_t mSeed = floor(randy.Uniform(1., 100000.));
- std::cout << "Random seed: " << mSeed << std::endl;
- //
- // TPythia6 initialization
- //
- TPythia6* mTPythia = new TPythia6();
- mTPythia->SetMSEL(1); //mbias
- mTPythia->SetMRPY(1, mSeed);
- if (mTuneId != -1) mTPythia->SetMSTP(5, mTuneId);
- mTPythia->Initialize("CMS", "p", "p", mCollisionEnergy);
- mTPythia->Pyexec();
- //
- // StFemtoDstPythia6Maker initialization
- //
- StFemtoDstPythia6Maker *mFemtoDstMaker =
- new StFemtoDstPythia6Maker(mTPythia, outFileName);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetIsFullField(mIsFullField);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetParticleMomentum(cParticleMom[0], cParticleMom[1]);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetTrackEta(cTrackEta[0], cTrackEta[1]);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetTrackDca(cTrackDcaGlobal[0], cTrackDcaGlobal[1]);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetTrackDcaGlobal(cTrackDcaGlobal[0], cTrackDcaGlobal[1]);
- mFemtoDstMaker->SetRemoveProtons(cRemoveProtons);
- //
- // Chain initialization and loop over events
- //
- mChain->Init();
- Int_t iReturn = 0;
- Int_t mNEventsProcessed = 0;
- Float_t mPercentCounter = 0.05;
- Float_t mProgress = 0.;
- unsigned int mSubCounter = 1; // time
- time_t mStartTime, mStopTime, mDiffTime; // time
- float mFrac; // time
- mStartTime = time(0); // time
- for(Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < mNEvents2Gen; iEvent++)
- {
- mProgress = (Float_t)iEvent/(Float_t)mNEvents2Gen;
- mNEventsProcessed++;
- if(mProgress >= mPercentCounter)
- {
- mPercentCounter += 0.05;
- mStopTime = time(0);
- mDiffTime = difftime(mStopTime, mStartTime);
- mFrac = (float)mDiffTime*(float)(mNEvents2Gen - iEvent)/(float)iEvent;
- mSubCounter++;
- std::cout << Form("Processing progress: %4.2f%%. Time left: %.1f sec", mProgress*100., mFrac)
- << std::endl;
- }
- mChain->Clear();
- iReturn = mChain->Make(iEvent);
- #ifdef MY_DEBUG
- mTPythia->Pylist(2);
- #endif
- if(iReturn != 0)
- {
- std::cout << "Error has been occured. Event processing has been stopped"
- << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- mChain->Finish();
- delete mFemtoDstMaker;
- delete mChain;
- std::cout << "***********************" << std::endl
- << "* Finish *" << std::endl
- << "***********************" << std::endl << std::endl;
- }