runParallelJobsExample.config 641 B

  1. dataDir : /beta/starprod/flowpico
  2. jobDir : /auto/pdsfdv45/starhipt/aihong/speedUpCumulant
  3. jobName : runParallelJobsExample # suggest take the same name of this config file
  4. NPartition : 6 # number of partitions of job
  5. macroName : doFlowEvents.C
  6. libVersion : SL01i
  7. scriptName : run.csh
  8. logFileName : run.log
  9. partnPrefix : job # diff. partition will name as job1, job2, etc.
  10. picoDSTLink : flowPicoDst # directory containing pico dst links for a part.
  11. histoFile : flow.cumulant.root
  12. yieldFile : flow.hist.root
  13. meanGFile : denominatorNew.root
  14. weightFile : flowPhiWgtNew.hist.root