FemtoDstQA_pp500_y2011.xml 806 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <!-- Task description -->
  3. <job maxFilesPerProcess="50" filesPerHour="10" fileListSyntax="xrootd">
  4. <!-- Decription of the task -->
  5. <command>
  6. setenv NODEBUG yes
  7. starver SL16l
  8. cd /star/data01/pwg/pusheax/run/femtoDst/pp500_y2011
  9. ln -s /star/data01/pwg/pusheax/devel/nodebug/.sl64_gcc482
  10. ln -s /star/data01/pwg/pusheax/devel/nodebug/.sl64_gcc447
  11. ln -s /star/data01/pwg/pusheax/devel/nodebug/StRoot
  12. root -b -q FemtoDstQA_pp500_y2011.C\(\"$FILELIST\",\"$JOBID.root\"\)
  13. </command>
  14. <!-- Get input files from get_file_lis.pl -->
  15. <input URL="file:/star/data01/pwg/pusheax/data/femtoDst/pp510_y2011/*.root" nFiles="all" />
  16. <stdout URL="file:./log/out/$JOBID.out" />
  17. <stderr URL="file:./log/err/$JOBID.err" />
  18. </job>