12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- // Do not forget to source setPicoDst.sh script
- void test_Ids(TString infile)
- {
- TStopwatch timer;
- timer.Start();
- TFile *fi = new TFile(infile.Data(),"read");
- TTree *tree = (TTree*) fi->Get("picodst");
- TClonesArray *recoTracks = nullptr;
- TClonesArray *mcTracks = nullptr;
- tree->SetBranchAddress("mctracks",&mcTracks);
- tree->SetBranchAddress("recotracks",&recoTracks);
- bool is_success = true;
- int n_entries = tree->GetEntriesFast();
- for (int iEv=0; iEv<n_entries; iEv++)
- {
- tree->GetEntry(iEv);
- std::cout << "Event [" << iEv << "/" << n_entries << "]\r" << std::flush;
- for (int i=0; i<recoTracks->GetEntriesFast(); i++)
- {
- auto recoTrack = (PicoDstRecoTrack*) recoTracks->UncheckedAt(i);
- auto mcTrack = (PicoDstMCTrack*) mcTracks->UncheckedAt(recoTrack->GetMcId());
- if (recoTrack->GetInitialMcId() != mcTrack->GetInitialId())
- {
- is_success = false;
- std::cout << "[WARNING] Event " << iEv << ", recotrack " << i << ": InitMcId(reco)= " << recoTrack->GetInitialMcId() << ", InitMcId(mc)= " << mcTrack->GetInitialId() << ", McId= " << recoTrack->GetMcId() << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- std::cout << "Total number of events: " << n_entries << std::endl;
- if (is_success)
- std::cout << "SUCCESS: MC and RECO tracks are linked correctly." << std::endl;
- if (!is_success)
- std::cout << "FAILED." << std::endl;
- timer.Stop();
- timer.Print();
- }