404.php 686 B

  1. <?php
  2. /** @var $_ array */
  3. /** @var $l OC_L10N */
  4. if(!isset($_)) {//also provide standalone error page
  5. require_once '../../lib/base.php';
  6. $tmpl = new OC_Template( '', '404', 'guest' );
  7. $tmpl->printPage();
  8. exit;
  9. }
  10. ?>
  11. <?php if (isset($_['content'])): ?>
  12. <?php print_unescaped($_['content']) ?>
  13. <?php else: ?>
  14. <ul>
  15. <li class="error">
  16. <?php p($l->t('File not found')); ?><br>
  17. <p class="hint"><?php p($l->t('The specified document has not been found on the server.')); ?></p>
  18. <p class="hint"><a href="<?php p(OC_Helper::linkTo('', 'index.php')) ?>"><?php p($l->t('You can click here to return to %s.', array($theme->getName()))); ?></a></p>
  19. </li>
  20. </ul>
  21. <?php endif; ?>