123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- <?php
- // Init owncloud
- global $eventSource;
- if(!OC_User::isLoggedIn()) {
- exit;
- }
- \OC::$session->close();
- // Get the params
- $dir = isset( $_REQUEST['dir'] ) ? '/'.trim($_REQUEST['dir'], '/\\') : '';
- $filename = isset( $_REQUEST['filename'] ) ? trim($_REQUEST['filename'], '/\\') : '';
- $content = isset( $_REQUEST['content'] ) ? $_REQUEST['content'] : '';
- $source = isset( $_REQUEST['source'] ) ? trim($_REQUEST['source'], '/\\') : '';
- if($source) {
- $eventSource=new OC_EventSource();
- } else {
- OC_JSON::callCheck();
- }
- function progress($notification_code, $severity, $message, $message_code, $bytes_transferred, $bytes_max) {
- static $filesize = 0;
- static $lastsize = 0;
- global $eventSource;
- switch($notification_code) {
- $filesize = $bytes_max;
- break;
- if ($bytes_transferred > 0) {
- if (!isset($filesize)) {
- } else {
- $progress = (int)(($bytes_transferred/$filesize)*100);
- if($progress>$lastsize) { //limit the number or messages send
- $eventSource->send('progress', $progress);
- }
- $lastsize=$progress;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- $l10n = \OC_L10n::get('files');
- $result = array(
- 'success' => false,
- 'data' => NULL
- );
- $trimmedFileName = trim($filename);
- if($trimmedFileName === '') {
- $result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t('File name cannot be empty.'));
- OCP\JSON::error($result);
- exit();
- }
- if($trimmedFileName === '.' || $trimmedFileName === '..') {
- $result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t('"%s" is an invalid file name.', $trimmedFileName));
- OCP\JSON::error($result);
- exit();
- }
- if(!OCP\Util::isValidFileName($filename)) {
- $result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t("Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."));
- OCP\JSON::error($result);
- exit();
- }
- if (!\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_exists($dir . '/')) {
- $result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t(
- 'The target folder has been moved or deleted.'),
- 'code' => 'targetnotfound'
- );
- OCP\JSON::error($result);
- exit();
- }
- //TODO why is stripslashes used on foldername in newfolder.php but not here?
- $target = $dir.'/'.$filename;
- if (\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_exists($target)) {
- $result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t(
- 'The name %s is already used in the folder %s. Please choose a different name.',
- array($filename, $dir))
- );
- OCP\JSON::error($result);
- exit();
- }
- if($source) {
- if(substr($source, 0, 8)!='https://' and substr($source, 0, 7)!='http://') {
- OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l10n->t('Not a valid source'))));
- exit();
- }
- if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
- $eventSource->send('error', array('message' => $l10n->t('Server is not allowed to open URLs, please check the server configuration')));
- $eventSource->close();
- exit();
- }
- $ctx = stream_context_create(null, array('notification' =>'progress'));
- $sourceStream=@fopen($source, 'rb', false, $ctx);
- $result = 0;
- if (is_resource($sourceStream)) {
- $result=\OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($target, $sourceStream);
- }
- if($result) {
- $meta = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($target);
- $data = \OCA\Files\Helper::formatFileInfo($meta);
- $eventSource->send('success', $data);
- } else {
- $eventSource->send('error', array('message' => $l10n->t('Error while downloading %s to %s', array($source, $target))));
- }
- if (is_resource($sourceStream)) {
- fclose($sourceStream);
- }
- $eventSource->close();
- exit();
- } else {
- $success = false;
- if (!$content) {
- $templateManager = OC_Helper::getFileTemplateManager();
- $mimeType = OC_Helper::getMimetypeDetector()->detectPath($target);
- $content = $templateManager->getTemplate($mimeType);
- }
- if($content) {
- $success = \OC\Files\Filesystem::file_put_contents($target, $content);
- } else {
- $success = \OC\Files\Filesystem::touch($target);
- }
- if($success) {
- $meta = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($target);
- OCP\JSON::success(array('data' => \OCA\Files\Helper::formatFileInfo($meta)));
- exit();
- }
- }
- OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $l10n->t('Error when creating the file') )));