app.sample.php 598 B

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. * This file is required. It makes owncloud aware of the app.
  4. */
  5. // Hello, we are here
  6. OC_APP::register( array( "id" => "skeleton", "name" => "Files", "order" => 1000 ));
  7. // Add application to navigation
  8. OC_UTIL::addNavigationEntry( array( "id" => "skeleton_index", "order" => 1000, "href" => OC_HELPER::linkTo( "skeleton", "index.php" ), "icon" => OC_HELPER::imagePath( "skeleton", "app.png" ), "name" => "Example app" ));
  9. // Add an admin page
  10. OC_UTIL::addAdminPage( array( "order" => 1, "href" => OC_HELPER::linkTo( "skeleton", "admin.php" ), "name" => "Example app options" ));
  11. ?>